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Beginner’s Guide to Juice Diets

Juice diet plans offer the opportunity to break up your current unhealthy habits and start afresh. Our juice diets provide you with essential macros, rather than the high sugar, low nutrient cleanses you may find elsewhere. Our expert guide highlights the benefits of a juice diet with EXALT, how to complete one, and what to avoid to ensure you’re staying healthy.

a couple in activewear with some cold pressed juice

What You’ll Learn:

  • What is a Juice Diet?
  • 7 Juice Diet Benefits
  • 5 Steps to Start the EXALT Juice Cleanse 
  • How Long to Juice Diet For?
  • 6 Things to Avoid on Your First Juice Diet

What is a Juice Diet?

A juice diet is an eating plan where you replace all your usual meals with juice. Not all “liquid-diets” are created equally, and if you do embark on a juice diet, you need to know how to go about it in a healthy way. This means selecting juice cleanses or diets which provide all the essential nutrients your body needs to remain healthy.

a cold pressed juice with orange juice

Many may claim their juice diet is a healthy way to “detox” the body and lose weight. Unfortunately, these claims are rarely scientifically backed up. While it’s true that reducing your calorie intake with a juice diet will help you to lose weight, this can be unsustainable if you aren’t supplying the macros your body needs. At EXALT, we only use the best nutritious ingredients which provide macros, vitamins and minerals in your juice diet.

7 Juice Diet Benefits 

When it comes to embarking on your juice diet, there can be many benefits which allow you to enjoy your meal replacement drinks, as well as reset your eating habits and start towards a healthier you. The benefits of an EXALT juice diet include:

  • You can still exercise - Our juice diet contains a mix of juices and protein smoothies, which provide a macro-complete meal. This means you’ll get a good balance of the protein, carbohydrates and fats, allowing you to continue to hit the gym, tennis courts, or yoga studio without risking your muscles. 
  • They’re vegan friendly - Whether you follow a plant-based diet or not, you can still enjoy our juice diet. Using pea and brown rice power, our vegan smoothies contain our signature vegan protein powder. That way, no one has to miss out on a delicious juice diet, no matter their dietary needs!
  • They’re convenient - There’s no wonder why juice diets are popular - drinking your meals is surely a convenient way to get through the day! You can take our bottled cold-pressed juices and protein shakes out with you. Whether you’re heading to the office or a day out shopping, simply pop your juice in your bag and you’re good to go! Not only that, juice diets are a convenient way to include vital fruits and vegetables into your body - without all the chopping and cooking!
  • You can drink them in any order - You don’t have to follow a rigorous plan that details when every drink must be consumed. With our juice diet, you can enjoy them in your own way. You can select your favourite to start your day with a high protein breakfast, or a delicious juice to wake up with a refreshing sip. 
  • Sustainable weight management - Thanks to the macros we provide, you can lose weight healthily on a juice cleanse. The juice diet provides a sustainable calorie deficit, which means you receive around 1,200 calories per day, and a high protein dosage to support your body and leave you feeling fuller for longer. 
  • Receive ongoing support from our experts - You have all of the information you need to complete your juice diet with our guided handbook written by our nutritional experts. You’ll receive an email containing our steps to help you see these benefits. Plus, you can reach out to us at any time for advice and guidance.
  • Drinks last up to 14 days - Once they’ve arrived, place your juice diet drinks in the fridge, where they’ll last for up to 2 weeks. That way, if you need to take a day off your liquid diet, you can!

A juice diet can be a great way to reset your habits if you are careful about what you cleanse with and how you go about it

5 Steps to Start the EXALT Juice Cleanse

We offer a straightforward approach to juice diets - no yo-yo diets over here! Just simple, great-tasting nutrition. If you’re new to juice diets, then we recommend a shorter length plan to get you started.

Our EXALT Life cleanse is designed with the help of nutritional experts, to support your body throughout the juice diet. You’ll receive 6 drinks for every day of your cleanse, which you can enjoy in any order. 

a fresh vegan protein smoothie with spinach
  • Choose which juice cleanse duration you wish to complete
  • Select your dietary requirements - Choose from vegan or whey protein powder, and opt for caffeine-free if you like 
  • Receive your order
  • Follow the juice diet handbook
  • Enjoy your delicious juices!

We always advise that you seek medical consultation if you have any concerns over your physical or mental wellbeing that could result from such a sudden diet change.

How Long to Juice Diet For?

When you’re deciding how long to juice cleanse for, there are many different things to consider. Depending on your experience level, or nutritional goals, you may feel better prepared for a shorter or longer plan. Here’s some advice to bear in mind:

  • 1 day juice cleanse- If you’re new to juice diets, trying it out for just one day is a good idea before tackling a longer cleanse. If you’ve had a heavy night out (or week!) on the town and want to cleanse your system and restart your cleaner habits, then a shorter option is probably enough.
  • 3 day juice cleanse - If you’re needing a quick reset to your current routine, and assess your eating habits then opting for 3 days is a great place to start. 
  • 5 day juice cleanse - Recovering from unhealthy eating habits and taking stock of your diet may require a few more days on a juice diet. If you’ve completed a cleanse or two before, then you may be more suited to this longer plan.
  • 7 day juice cleanse - This week-long option is great for anyone who’s an experienced juicer, who’s looking to reset their routine, and spend a week focusing on nutrition and weight loss. 
  • 14 day juice cleanse - If weight loss is your goal, a longer plan such as a 2 week juice diet, may be more suited to you and your aim. You’ll need to prioritise your nutrition, and ensure you’re creating a sustainable calorie deficit in order to lose weight healthily. 

6 Things to Avoid on Your First Juice Diet

When you undertake a juice diet, you need to ensure you care for your body in the best way. Simply cutting food out and drinking sugary squash won’t do you any good!

 Here’s what to avoid:

  • Going straight in - For your first attempt at a juice diet, you’ll want to take it slow and ensure you’re ready. Choose a shorter length plan to ease yourself in, or even try subbing in just one of your meals with a meal replacement shake to get used to it.
  • Exercising too much - Although EXALT juice diets do allow you to workout, you might want to keep your activity levels in check. Not all cleanses are created equally, so if you’re not getting enough important macros in your post-workout recovery, you may risk losing your muscle gains. 
  • Not drinking water - Even though you’re experiencing a liquid-only diet, you’ll still need to stay hydrated with essential electrolytes from water. 
  • Ignoring your body - Juice diets aren’t always easy. You may find yourself dreaming of your favourite snacks, and it’s important to dedicate yourself to your plan. However, the most essential thing is that you listen to your body - if it’s telling you to eat, listen!
  • Doing it alone - Buddy-up and try your juice diet together. Whether that’s a colleague in the office or your running pal, you may find it motivating to have your bestie by your side. You can keep each other in check, and discuss your favourite flavours!
  • Unhealthy goals - Your body’s wellbeing takes top priority. If weight loss is your only goal, take stock of why. Remember everyone’s body is different, and health comes first, always, not looks. Focusing on the numbers on the scale or the way you look in the mirror too much can lead to unhealthy habits. Take it slow, and look after yourself!

Delicious Nutrition with EXALT

At EXALT, we specialise in providing delicious nutritional drinks and protein powder. Whether you’re looking to boost your gym session with pre-workout energy or kickstart your healthy day with a breakfast smoothie.

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